Tagged: new york


Egg Sandwiches

It seems like the kind of food you could find anywhere in the United States, and you would be wrong. There is no place other than Long Island to get the traditional, old-school delicacy known to the locals simply as an Egg Sandwich. … read more


Bald Hill Ski Bowl

If you learned how to ski on Long Island in the 1970s, there’s a pretty good chance it was at the Bald Hill Ski Bowl. Granted, it wasn’t exactly Aspen, Colorado. but for many families, it was a convenient local place to slap skis on the kids and have a great day in the snow. … read more


Lake Ronkonkoma

There are countless legends and mysteries woven within Long Island’s rich history. One of the oldest and most enduring concerns Lake Ronkonkoma and the tragedy that befell a Native-American princess. If you grew up in the surrounding area in the 1970s, you are undoubtedly aware of this ominous Lady of the Lake. … read more


Ben Cooper

With the arrival of October each year, it was time for millions of Long Island 70s kids to start pondering their Halloween costumes. The ambitious ones created their own, relying on grease paint, old clothing, maybe even some plastic vampire teeth and fake blood. Those looking for a more convenient approach turned to Ben Cooper. … read more


Mary’s Grave

There are countless urban legends associated with Long Island, but none more pervasive nor frightening as the place called Mary’s Grave. Every 1970s kid has heard the gruesome stories from friends and siblings, and many a brave teenager has even paid a visit to Mary’s supposed final resting place, wherever that may be. … read more


Sam Goody

The music fan of the 1970s didn’t have the plethora of resources that we enjoy today. Sure, the popular records of the time were sold at most department stores. But what if your tastes were a little more eclectic? Unless you had a decent independent record store nearby, your best bet was to head to your local Sam Goody, a mecca of sorts for the New York music aficionado. … read more


Saturday Morning

You’ve tumbled out of bed and sleepily made your way to the kitchen for a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. Bowl in hand, perhaps a blanket to wrap yourself in, you flip on the television. And here you will sit for the next few hours or so, assuming you had parents that would allow such a thing. Such were the magical Saturday mornings of the 1970s. … read more