Tagged: pbs


The Electric Company

Many of us grew up learning letters and numbers from our pals who lived on Sesame Street. Once we felt more confident, it was time to move to another PBS series for the slightly older set. The Electric Company was poised to challenge our young minds in new and entertaining ways, earning a rightful place in the history of children’s programming. … read more



We’re wagering a guess that you not only remember Zoom, but that you might even be humming the theme song as you read this (“We’re gonna zooma-zooma-zooma zoom!). One of the most beloved children’s television shows of the 70s and beyond, Zoom was both hosted by kids, and watched by millions of them over the years. … read more


Joya’s Fun School

If you remember watching The Magic Garden in the 70s, you may also remember that it didn’t appear on Fridays. Those were reserved for a beloved little series called Joya’s Fun School. Filled with stories, songs and other activities, the show was a local educational favorite for over a decade. … read more